Commit d8cab095 by Amir Aharon

changes in design and multi-instance

parent 9d0495b8
- First we need to enable private ips on all instances:
This way we don't pay for the traffic among those instances as long as they communicate via their
private ips.
The instances must be under the same VPC (Virtual ,private connection) to receive the same ip range and rules.
[Enable Private ip] - Altough we have private ips, the ports among them are not open, we still need to allow ports among them. In order to get from one service to another on other instance on the same VPC, we need to add the port
to the firewall but in the 'Sources' section add the VPC name and delete other tags like 'All IPV4','All IPv6'.
- Now we need to add the remote services (the services on the other instance) on each docker-compose files as 'extra_hosts'
using their private ip, e.g:
- "alerts:"
- "scp:"
The port binding in the docker-compose is the same e.g: '- 8090:8080' just note that now the remote service must point to
the external exposed port, not the internal (like when both services are on the same instance).
[docker port binding]
In order to get from one service to another on other instance on the same VPC, we need to add the port
to the firewall but in the 'Sources' section add the VPC name and delete other tags like 'All IPV4','All IPv6'.
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